I wasn't lying when I said there'd be softball logs in this baby. On Saturday, I played in a one-day tournament in the snow. It's held every year in Apple Valley, for their low-rent "Mid-Winter Festival", which is really an excuse for all the softball die-hards to get out of the house and away from their spouses/kids for half of a Saturday. My girlfriend came with me, as did my mother's dog Rocky, who was an ass. We won the first game 17-14, then proceeded to get housed to the tune of 38-3. I'm pretty sure the turning point in that came came at the top of the first, first pitch to the leadoff batter, who hit a drive to left that riccoched off a snowman in the front lawn across the street. That kind of hit will really rattle a guy. On the brightside, from a strictly selfish standpoint, I was 9-10 with 8 runs scored, one double and 5 RBI. So to date, here' how softball has played out, numbers-wise.
Team G W L RS RA +/------------------------
Grizzly's 1 1 1 20 52 -32Player G AB R H 2B 3B HR RBI TB BB OBP SLG AVG
Z.Brown 2 12 8 9 1 0 0 5 33 2 .917 .083 .900So all things considered, it went well. One side note about Saturday--a guy showed up to the second game after not playing in the first one. And he didn't just show up, he showed up like an ass. He came in talking 8 different kinds of trash about how we're all rusty and being weak about the cold weather (which was 32, by the way--not cold) and so on. I take major issue with this for these reasons:- He was not there for the first game, thereby rendering all his comments moot.
- He brought with him 2 younger guys to play, who were both giving him the "I don't really even know this guy outside of work, so don't blame me" look. They felt appropriately awkward.
- He was on our team. I can't even get into this point anymore.
- He sucked so bad. So so bad. Now, I don't care if you're good or not good, if you have fun playing, then welcome aboard. But if you suck, then shut up about other people. Make plays first, talk trash second. And if you're ever, ever, ever going to talk trash, do not, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, strikeout. Period.
To close the book on this guy, he was also that guy who picks a local sports team, and completely outfits himself head-to-toe with their apparel. Not a big deal to me, if you're at the game. But at a softball game, clad with ballcap, stocking cap over the ballcap, scarf, sweatshirt, sweatpants, turtleneck, jersey, and for good measure--in case anybody forgot what his favortie team was--t-shirt over the top. He wore this all at the same time, and I was confounded. Guess the team? Nope, not the Vikings--the Wild. Wow, that really confused me.