To whomever broke into my van last night and stole the center console, DVD Player and screens. I was going to be rid of the van in about a week, now I'm stuck with it longer. To borrow lines from Ben, I hope the crack dealer you try to trade the DVD player to beats you within an inch of your life when he realizes that it doesn't even work, and I hope you end up in jail after getting busted for holding said crack.
It'll be fine. Its called Karma. The person who took your shit will certainly pay the price. They will likely get beaten with their own leg or something. What goes around comes around. Speaking of which, what crime did you commit to bring this upon yourself?
Apparantly a litany of them. This is not the first time (nor will it be the last) time my car's been broken into.
Sorry to hear about the van. Good LORD you've got some crazy "luck" when it comes to vehicular break-ins...
I'm sorry!!! that is horrible....
Perhaps the new year will bring you the goods you deserve.
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