"We Cleared The Room Out Like A Bad Fart!"
For the first time in what seems like a long time, Sung and I hung out for an entire evening. The night started off with her not being up for leaving the house. Which was fine, except that there was no one here for the whole evening, with Mandy being off with her school chums and the children in Farmington with their Grandmother. I had intentions of sitting around playing Madden all night but thought better of it, so I guilted her into coming out with me (the exact line was "I guess I'm eating alone then", and it worked). For the first time since I moved to Saint Paul, I gave her flawless directions and she didn't have to call Mandy to get her un-lost. We hung out for a little bit, I gave the obligatory tour of the new house (bedrooms excluded because they look like a small bomb went off in them), and played with the dog for a little bit before heading out to the Wild Onion for dinner--which seems wierd because I only know the Onion as a haven for douchebags on the dancefloor. As it turns out, the food is pretty good and if you get there before 9 at night, it's a nice place to sit and eat. I turned in the strange order of the night--it went as follows: "I'll have a cup of the French Onion Soup, and the French Dip with no onions, with French Fries". Sung quickly quipped (that's alliteration, homes): "and a French Kiss" at which point our server seemed really uncomfortable standing there. We didn't really know what we were going to do after that, when she realized that it was indeed Thursday and there was karaoke to be sung at The Sports Page in Bloomington. She goaded Joon into coming out, which was rad because I haven't seen her in a couple of years.
I followed her out to Joon's house and met Mike, Joon's husband, and Allan, their over-hyper Pug. Mike made a whiskey and caffeine-free Diet Pepsi for him and myself, which was extra-tasty due to the fact that the whiskey was a couple of years old and was in a water bottle. After a few minutes, we walked over to the bar.
We walked in and saw that karaoke was going to be a challenge. There was some good bar talent there. One woman was a dead-ringer for Pat Benetar, vocally, and there was a couple who nailed a few tunes from Rent. Sung kicked her show off with a stunning rendition of Tom Jones' "She's A Lady", complete with dance moves. (It should be noted that she warmed up on the way back to my house in the car at top volume). We were surprised because it went over really well--not that we were afraid that she would do a bad job, but because it didn't look like a Tom Jones-bar. As is with most suburban karaoke joints, there was a lot of bad country songs to be heard. But she did very well, and it was on from that point.
I went with an old standby of mine, the Cherry Poppin' Daddies' "Zoot Suit Riot". Usually I nail this one sober and proceed from there, but I was not that good last night. Oh well. Sung went on to do "9 to 5" and "It's Not Unusual". We also ruined an already terrible song by dueting "Picture" by Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow. It was at that point that most of the bar patrons left.
There's more to the story, but I have to go to work. But this picture is for Sung, and thanks for the good times last night.
I followed her out to Joon's house and met Mike, Joon's husband, and Allan, their over-hyper Pug. Mike made a whiskey and caffeine-free Diet Pepsi for him and myself, which was extra-tasty due to the fact that the whiskey was a couple of years old and was in a water bottle. After a few minutes, we walked over to the bar.
We walked in and saw that karaoke was going to be a challenge. There was some good bar talent there. One woman was a dead-ringer for Pat Benetar, vocally, and there was a couple who nailed a few tunes from Rent. Sung kicked her show off with a stunning rendition of Tom Jones' "She's A Lady", complete with dance moves. (It should be noted that she warmed up on the way back to my house in the car at top volume). We were surprised because it went over really well--not that we were afraid that she would do a bad job, but because it didn't look like a Tom Jones-bar. As is with most suburban karaoke joints, there was a lot of bad country songs to be heard. But she did very well, and it was on from that point.
I went with an old standby of mine, the Cherry Poppin' Daddies' "Zoot Suit Riot". Usually I nail this one sober and proceed from there, but I was not that good last night. Oh well. Sung went on to do "9 to 5" and "It's Not Unusual". We also ruined an already terrible song by dueting "Picture" by Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow. It was at that point that most of the bar patrons left.
There's more to the story, but I have to go to work. But this picture is for Sung, and thanks for the good times last night.

Ummmm... I don't know if "terrible" should really be used to describe any part of our amazing duet. I still cry thinking about it and how beautiful it was.
And people left because they went home to get their camcorders and/or the news team to capture the raw magic that was going on. Imagine their surprise coming back to the bar to film us and finding that we're long gone! HA!
Here's my account of the evening.
And then I'm done commenting. For now.
i think that it's called patriot onion soup, liberty dip and freedom fries, i can't remember where congress stands as far as using the newest curse word "french"
How offensive of me--I completely forgot. Thanks for clearing that up.
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