Like She's Not Hot Enough

She goes and does
this. Credit here goes to Mandy, who found not only this video for me, but also "Lazy Sunday" way back when. Now normally I would link that to You Tube, but NBC pulled their "copyright card" and had it yanked off of there. You can now only find it on NBC's website, and thank god for that because I'm sure that website needs all the hits it can get. It's nice for a struggling website to have something as nice as "Lazy Sunday" so it'll get some traffic. So watch Natalie Portman while you can on You Tube before you get redirected to, and try to figure out which video is funnier. I know all the lyrics to "Lazy Sunday", but this might be funnier. I'm not sure.
Word, we're on the same page. I linked this last night.
I saw that--you're always quicker than me
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