Tuesday, May 16, 2006


They say (and who are they?) that the time to plant seed in your lawn is May 15. It must be true, because yesterday was a perfect yardwork day--rain early so the ground was wet, sun later so the ground would dry. We bought this lawn replacement mulch, which I've never used before, to fill huge bald spots in our yard. I'm hoping it works out okay, because it's kind of fun to use.

What's not fun to use is the insect killer needed to take care of the ant metropolis in the yard next to us. This is one huge plot of ants, and they're the kind that bite. Biting ants + 4 kids 8 and under=bad news, so we're treating the abandoned neighbor's yard, much to my chagrin. But if that shit spreads to our grass I'll be furious, so you do what you have to do.

This is all good practice, as I plan to turn a buck or two out of this kind of work, as mentioned here. I plan to start taking calls and doing some work by Monday of next week. Again, any interested parties, let me know. I'll cut your grass up real good.

The Baseball Blog is definately in the works. I need a good name for it. Should be up and running today or tomorrow. I'll keep you'ns posted, fo sho.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


5. Give each kid a magnifying glass and watch the tables turn on those pinchy mafaki ant-bastards. (Note – take the magnifying glasses away when the kids begin frying each other.)

4. Place ants in your car, where they will be stolen during the night.

3. Position a large screen TV in front of the ant mound. Play that video of Richard dancing topless in a continuous loop. The ants will abandon the area, along with most of your neighbors.

2. Set the entire 4 block area on fire while blaring the song “One” by Metallica.

1. Have you considered examining the underlying needs and concerns in the ant community?

12:53 PM  
Blogger Zach Brown said...

did you email Letterman to get that? That was spot-on! And, of course, option number 4 is the one with the highest chance for success.

2:08 PM  

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